Social Executive Shorts

The Community Roundtable’s Social Executive Shorts is a video series designed to help executives make the most of social tools and online communities. This course material is recommended for use as part of an executive coaching program.
Social Executive Shorts

Website: The Academy (Powered by the Community Roundtable)
Type: Course with Certificate
Location: Self-paced, Online
Price: $495

The Community Roundtable’s Social Executive Shorts is a video series designed to help executives make the most of social tools and online communities. This course material is recommended for use as part of an executive coaching program.

Who should view this course?

This training course is targeted at community program managers who are looking for executive coaching resources to add to their program or approach.

What will executives learn?

In these short (less than four minutes each!) sessions, participants will learn how social tools and online communities:

  • Save time by replacing ineffective communication channels
  • Align teams
  • Facilitate innovation
  • Provide better context and insights for decision making
  • Scale influence to build trust, insights and faster commitments
About the author
Steph Lundberg

Steph Lundberg

Steph is a writer and Support leader/consultant. When she's not screaming into the void for catharsis, you can find her crafting, hanging with her kids, or spending entirely too much time on Tumblr.

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