Setting Up The Purrfect Customer Service QA Program

Boost your customer service team to its fullest potential. Join Riley, Klaus' educational expert, to learn about implementing conversation reviews, step-by-step over 12 videos.
Setting Up The Purrfect Customer Service QA Program

Website: Setting Up The Purrfect Customer Service QA Program, Klaus
Type: Course (includes Certificate of Completion)
Location: Self-paced, Online
Price: Free

Starting from scratch - our first quality assurance course!

Boost your customer service team to its fullest potential. Join Riley, Klaus' educational expert, to learn about implementing conversation reviews, step-by-step over 12 videos.

The Purriculum

Who should do conversation reviews? – Part 1

Deciding who will perform your conversation reviews is the foundation to building a successful conversation review program. There are several options you can choose from – in the first episode, we cover specialist and manager reviews.

Who should do conversation reviews? – Part 2

In the second part of this lesson, we look at two more options you have when deciding who will perform your reviews – peer reviews and self-reviews. Plus, hear directly from our Customer Success Managers on why they love conducting peer reviews internally at Klaus.

How many conversations should you review? – Part 1

The amount of conversations you should review is dependent on your company’s support volume and who will be performing your reviews. To help you set an achievable goal, we go over some general guidelines and possible review targets based on various QA setups.

How many conversations should you review? – Part 2

Let’s get practical! In this episode, we look at how you can reach your review target with some use case examples. Mervi, Klaus’ resident Data Scientist, helps you understand which conversations are worth reviewing – and which are not.

What categories to use? – Part 1

Your rating categories depend on your company’s perception of what great customer support looks like. Get inspired by the most common rating categories used by Klaus customers or define your own by looking at your internal goals and support principles.

What categories to use? – Part 2

Now that you’ve decided on your rating categories, it’s time to set up category weights, critical categories, and root causes. Ann, Multimedia Storyteller at Klaus, reveals the surprising connection between storytelling and rating categories.

Which rating scale to use? – Part 1

In the first part of this lesson, we explain why the binary and three-point rating scales are a great starting point for any team implementing conversation reviews. Martin, the Co-founder & CEO of Klaus, explains what “catfooding” means and how it relates to rating scales.

Which rating scale to use? – Part 2

We look at when you might use the extension of the binary scale, as well as the larger rating scales – all the way up to an 11-point scale. Data-Man-Dan joins us and reveals the (you guessed it!) data on the most common rating scales used by Klaus customers.

Calibration sessions – Part 1

Let’s explore how you can set up calibration sessions to help your reviewers synchronize their assessments and eliminate bias. We go over three different approaches you can take when conducting calibrations: blind sessions, team sessions, and support rep sessions.

Calibration sessions – Part 2

With the basics covered, we now set goals for your calibration sessions and look at what to do with the results for the process to become actionable. Triin, Klaus’ Community Manager, shares some scheduling tips courtesy of the Quality Tribe.

How to communicate to the team – Part 1

You’re almost ready to unleash your review program! But if your support reps are unaware of your review program, it will come to a halt before it even gets going. We are joined by Klaus’ Empress of Product, Valentina Thörner, to discuss some approaches you can take before launching conversation reviews.

How to communicate to the team – Part 2

Planning recurring communications around your review program is vital to its long-term success. If you aren’t communicating the results to your team, then what’s the point? Once again, we check in with Valentina to discuss what you should be doing to make the most of your review program after its launch.

About the author
Steph Lundberg

Steph Lundberg

Steph is a writer and Support leader/consultant. When she's not screaming into the void for catharsis, you can find her crafting, hanging with her kids, or spending entirely too much time on Tumblr.

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